She is pretty mucousy today, she’s been coughing up a lot of crap. Her cold is clearing up so hopefully the mucous clears up soon too.
Today has been a pretty exciting day for SVTs. Allison has gone into SVT today more times then I can count. The nurses counted 5 SVT episodes while Jason and I were out to lunch (about an hour and a half). The resident has been here a couple of times and although she’s not sure what’s going on. She consulted with cardiology and they are happy just to watch her to see what her heart does for now because she’s in hospital and there are lots of people here to intervene if need be. The SVTs are still short and she always converts back to normal rhythm on her own so everything should still be okay. Cardiology may decide to restart her on medication but it would be a totally different class of meds from the first type and at a very conservative dose. They have ordered an ECG for later today or tommorow so we’ll see what that says. Ali should be pretty sleepy for the rest of the day because SVTs are like running marathons. She’s run countless marathons today so she probably needs a good nap.